Friday, January 20, 2012

Diablo II LP Started

With the completion of Suikoden, I have started my LP for Diablo II! I will be playing this LP with a few rules though. I discuss what the rules are in my first episode which you can find here!

Suikoden LP Complete!

Suikoden is finally done! Yay! It went a lot faster than expected and I ended up with 44 episodes and 1 bonus episode.

Playlist link here.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Arrivals!

I'm back! I wanted to give a quick run-down of what's been going on.

Youtube: I've been posting episodes daily of my Let's Play for Suikoden and Harvest Moon. This has taken a lot more time than I expected. I really enjoy doing this and will continue to do so. You can find my channel here.

Ecrater: My store is still active! The process of cleaning, testing, pictures, descriptions and promoting has taken any remaining time. Trying to then get a blog post up has become more difficult. I just put up an SNES console along with some great titles like Final Fantasy III, and Secret of Evermore. There will soon be an Atomic Blue N64 Console/Controller pack along with a number of games. I also won a small set of SNES games today!

Anyway, thanks for checking out my blog and such and I hope to try to do a better job staying updated.